Skyridge High School (Summer School 2025)
2025 Block 1: June 2 – June 13
2025 Block 2: June 16 – June 27
- CREDIT GIVEN: 0.25 credits per class
- COST: one time $25 flat fee – NOT per class or block
- FORMAT: In-person
- Reach out to your Skyridge Counselor to determine the courses you need to take.
- Download the 2025 Skyridge Summer School Schedule and 2025 Summer School Registration Form.
- Return the completed registration form and proof of payment receipt to the counseling office to be enrolled in the course(s).
- There are two blocks (or “terms”) during the summer. Students may register for 1st block only, 2nd block only, or both.
- Classes are approximately 2 hours each. Students may register for up to 3 classes per block.
- Daily attendance is expected. Students with less than 80% attendance will NOT earn credit

East Shore Online High School
- CREDIT GIVEN: 0.125 credits per unit
- COST: $100 one-time registration fee; $5 per unit (free unit given if completed in 30 days)
- FORMAT: Online
- Students should meet with their counselor to discuss which units/credits will help them toward graduation.
- Students register through the ESO website (link above). They can register and pay for packets with a credit card.
- Students must complete an orientation packet (free) before they will be allowed to test on any other unit.
- Credit is not given until after a student has completed the final test for the unit.
- Testing is available at Skyridge High School

Northridge Academy
- CREDIT GIVEN: 0.25 credits per workbook
- COST: $50 per workbook
- FORMAT: Paper and online
- Students should meet with their counselor to determine which class/workbook they should purchase in order to get the credit they need.
- Students purchase workbooks online (link above). The course will come as a paper workbook, but will refer to online assignments which should be completed through Canvas.
- Credit is not given until after students have completed the final test (online) and haver returned the workbook to Northridge by drop-off or by mail.

BYU Independent Study (High School Students)
- CREDIT GIVEN: 0.5 credits per class
- COST: varies ($110 – $280)
- FORMAT: Online
- Students should meet with their counselor to verify whether the desired course will be accepted for the credit they need.
- Students can register for and purchase classes online (see link above) or by calling 801-422-2868 during business hours (M-F, 8:00a – 5:00p).
- Credit is not given until after students have completed a proctored final exam. After completion of their course, students should check with the counseling office to make sure the credit has been transferred to Skyridge.

Utah Online School
- COST: $50/ 9 week session
- FORMAT: Fully Online – Coursework and Testing
- Register through the website (link above).
- Enroll using the Part Time Out of District button.