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Skyridge Registration Information

Skyridge Classes Grades 10-12 (2025-2026)

(TENTATIVE – will be updated as changes are made)

Skyridge Master Schedule (2025-2026)

(TENTATIVE – will be updated as changes are made)

Skyridge Course Catalog (2025-2026)

(TENTATIVE – will be updated as changes are made)

Skyridge CTE Pathways Summary (2025-2026, 2024-2025 & 2023-24)

(TENTATIVE – will be updated as changes are made)

Concurrent Enrollment Courses at Skyridge (2025-2026)

(TENTATIVE – will be updated as changes are made)

UVU Live Interactive Class Options at Skyridge (2025-2026)

(TENTATIVE – will be updated as changes are made)

Math Classes at Skyridge

Flow chart of math courses.

Science Classes at Skyridge

Click on the name of the class to watch an informational video about that class.

Class Change Policy

Students chose their own classes. Therefore, once school begins, classes will only be changed for Necessary Academic Reasons (graduation requirements, CTE Pathways, and/or teacher recommendation.) 


Class Change appointments with counselors will be available at the beginning of each semester. Students may sign up for ONE 15 minute appointment with their counselor. (Students MUST attend the classes on your current schedule until the change has been made.)

*STUDENTS WILL NEED to pay a $5.00 class change fee.



Schedules need to be complete for the entire year. Any adjustments should be made before school begins in August, on designated class change days.


At the beginning of term 1 or term 3, all necessary ACADEMIC changes must be completed within the first four days (2 A DAYS and 2 B DAYS) of the term.


At the end of the first or third term, ‘mid-semester’ changes will be allowed ONLY for extreme circumstances. Parents must speak with their student’s counselor.  

ALL CHANGES must be done by the end of the first week of any term.

Making changes after that date disrupts teaching and puts students behind in curriculum. If special circumstances arise, a parent must make an appointment with the counselor to discuss the change after the first week of a new semester.

*According to Alpine School District Policy, class changes should not be made after three weeks into the nine week grading term.

*Counselors will not overfill classes to accommodate class changes.